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Virtual Field Day - Exploring Sustainable Intensification on Iowa’s Landscape through Relay Intercropping

Join Free Online
To participate in the live virtual field day, shortly before 1:00 pm CT on March 7, click HERE.

Or, join from a dial-in phone line:
Dial: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 986 0833 5082 

Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, and Conservation Learning Group (CLG), is hosting a free virtual field day on Thursday, March 7 at 1 p.m. CT. Join us for a live discussion with Matt Helmers, Iowa Nutrient Research Center Director, Mark Licht, Iowa State University Assistant Professor and Extension Cropping Systems Specialist, Ross Evelsizer, Natural Resource Projects Director with Northeast Iowa RC&D, and Alex Schaffer, Iowa Soybean Association Research Agronomist.

Iowa has some of the most fertile soil in the world that has, and can again, grow more than corn and soybean. A new National Conservation Innovation Grant, led by Iowa Learning Farms, is developing agronomic best practices and working to understand farmer attitudes toward relay intercropping soybean into a small grain following corn.

Relay intercropping is a form sustainable intensification using three crops in two years and has two crops with seasons that overlap are grown in the same field with one planted into the other before harvesting. In Iowa, the system includes corn and soybeans, with the addition of small grains actively growing later in the fall and earlier in the spring then a typical corn-soybean rotation.

“This virtual field day will explore early results from the Multi-Cropping Iowa project and on-farm trials conducted by the Iowa Soybean Association,” noted Licht. “We will also discuss the diffent components of this new grant project that are aiming to develop best management practices for the system to help farmers and landowners successfully integrate this into their operations, as well as improve our understanding of the social factors and economic issues influencing relay intercropping adoption.”

Virtual Field Day Access Instructions:

To participate in the live virtual field day at 1:00 pm CT on March 7, to learn more, click this URL:  or visit

 Or, join from a dial-in phone line:
Dial: 309-205-3325 or 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 986 0833 5082 

The field day will be recorded and archived on the ILF website so that it can be watched at any time. The archive will be available at

Participants may be eligible for a Certified Crop Adviser board-approved continuing education unit. Information about how to apply to receive the CEU (if approved) will be provided at the end of the event.