Brian Hoffman

For the past 12 years, Brian Hoffman has been farming with his dad, Keith, growing corn and soybeans near Laurens in Pocahontas County. On their 250 acres, Hoffman uses no-till on his soybeans and he strip-tills his corn. In 2012, Brian began using cereal rye cover crop on about half his acres. He is also a beekeeper and maintains six hives.

He adopted these conservation methods as a way to lessen erosion on the land, improve the tilth of his soil, ease soil compaction, and increase the organic matter within the soil.

Hoffman is active in his community as a firefighter, a member of his local church, and has been an ILF farmer partner since 2005. He and his wife, Cynthia, have a son, Joshua, and a daughter, Melia.


Contact Information

Brian Hoffmann
43555 130th Street
Laurens, IA 50554