Mike Bretz

Regenerative agriculture lies at the heart on Mike Bretz’s rural Buchanan County operation. After being employed at General Mills for more than 25 years, Mike returned to the farm to carry on his family’s legacy while nurturing the land and water bodies nearby. Learning from the work of other regenerative farmers, Mike strives to enhance soil health. To do this, he has looked to practices that increase carbon in the soil with hopes of boosting microbial life. Soil organisms are further helped through the continuous no-till that Mike practices. In addition to corn and soybean production, Mike raises 90 head of cattle which he eventually hopes to rotationally graze year-round. Through all his efforts, Mike has seen improved infiltration, healthier soils, cleaner water, increased wildlife, reduced input costs, and added grazing opportunities.

As a farmer, Mike hopes to reduce expenses and maximize revenue, all while benefitting the environment. Unlike most Iowa farmers, he has opted for an extended rotation of corn, soybeans, and small grains to improve soil health even further. Though he has many hopes for the future, Mike’s biggest goal is to maintain profitability and continue looking into new enterprises within their operation that don’t add a negative environmental impact. As his children begin working into the operation, he aims to provide them with the opportunity to continue the family’s farming legacy in rural Buchanan County.

Building a Culture of Conservation: 

“We’ve learned how to reduce expenses quite a bit, we’re questioning how to increase our enterprises that will bring in money, that’s also beneficial to the environment”


Contact Information

Mike Bretz
2332 Rice Ridge Ln NE, North Liberty, IA 52317