Robert Lynch

ILF farmer partner Robert Lynch (center) has been farming for 36 years on land that has been in his family for over 100 years. He grows corn and soybeans using no-till on his soybeans into standing corn stalks and strip-tills corn on the soybean stubble and where he is growing corn on corn. He was a ridge-tilller for 18 years and began strip-tilling three years ago. He has also implemented grassed waterways on his land.

Bob and his wife, Linda, have three sons, Jay (pictured on right), Kevin and Ben. Jay is farming with his dad. Bob has been implementing conservation practices on his farm because he "wanted to leave the soil in better shape for future generations of family farmers. Working the soil and using NH3 kills the soil and critters in the soil."

Lynch is a Humboldt County Soil and Water Conservation District commissioner and served as president of Conservation Districts of Iowa. He is also involved with his local Lions club and his church.

Building a Culture of Conservation:

"With this system [no-till/strip-till] our soils are alive with living organisms that helps to feed the crops we grow. Someday I hope my grandchild looks at the soil and says, 'Thanks, Grandpa Bob.'"


Contact Information

Robert Lynch
1735 250h St
Humboldt, IA 50548