Video Series: Strip Tillage

Strip-tillage is well suited to poorly drained, wet, cold soils where seed germination is often delayed. Only a narrow portion of the row is tilled, which helps dry and warm soils in the spring, easing planter operation and promoting germination. The system can enhance efficiency when manure injection or commercial fertilizer application is incorporated into the tillage operation, reducing passes over the field. Specialized equipment does not always have to be purchased; most farmers already have the strip-tillage equipment accessible (such as in-row chisels and ammonia applicator knives). These benefits must be weighed against a variety of potential concerns. For instance, strip-tillage can induce erosion, particularly in highly erodible soils. Strip-tillage also can contribute to soil compaction between tilled zones when the field soil moisture conditions are at or above field capacity.

Check out the ILF video "Strip-Tillage Crop Management" in six chapters.
(Note: click the three lines in the top right corner of the video for the entire playlist.)