Where Does Your Drinking Water Come From?

Where does your drinking water come from? 
Two new infographics from the Conservation Learning Group take a closer look at that question and how nitrogen and phosphorus move on our landscape. 

A Closer Look: Drinking Water - Source to Tap
This publication was produced by the Conservation Learning Group and is based upon research conducted at Iowa State University under USDA NIFA award number 2014-51130-22494. The full project report, Economic Benefits of Nitrogen Reductions in Iowa (Chuan Tang, Gabriel E. Lade, David Keiser, Catherine Kling, Yongjie Ji, and Yau-Huo Shr).

A Closer Look: How Does Nitrogen and Phosphorus Move?
This publication was produced by the Conservation Learning Group and is based upon Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy, work done by Iowa Learning Farms and research conducted at Iowa State University under USDA NIFA award number 2014-51130-22494.