Posts tagged Plymouth County
Robert Pridie

Robert Pridie has 60 head of organic grass-fed cattle. Farming since 1981, Robert farms 300 acres for himself and 400 acres for his father. Most of his corn-soybean acres are under minimum tillage which he defines as one-pass field cultivation prior to planting. Robert has farmed for over 30 years and has been certified organic since 2003. In switching to organic, the greatest challenge was figuring out his income during the three years of transition.

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Bruce Manthe

Bruce has been farming since 1993, renting the majority of the land he farms. He has been motivated to implement conservation practices because of the bottom line - it saves money. He is motivated by economics and improving water and soil quality are added benefits. Each year he has increased the number of acres that are no-tilled and he is hoping to get to 100 percent no-till soon.

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