A study looking at the impact of winter cereal rye on crop yield and soil 12 Iowa farms from 2008-2019.
Read MoreThis publication provides best management recommendations for farmers and landowners getting started with conservation and water quality practices by helping select and incorporate in-field and edge-of-field conservation practices most appropriate to the decision maker's land and preferences.
Read MoreDiscussing a new conservation practice with your tenant can be challenging. To help begin the conversation, we created a new publication series with talking points and relevant research findings about specific conservation practices.
Read MoreWater Quality Matters To Us All provides insight into the attitudes and practices of agencies and stakeholders involved in protecting Iowa's water quality. Based on listening sessions between 2008-2011 with farmers, urban residents, Soil and Water Conservation District commissioners, and field staff from Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the book details the institutional, community, and individual impediments towards water conservation and curtailing nonpoint source pollution.
Read MoreWhere does your drinking water come from? Two new infographics from the Conservation Learning Group take a closer look at that question and how nitrogen and phosphorus move on our landscape.
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